Trash Collection

The City of Cool Valley currently contracts with Allied Waste for trash and recycling withing the City Limits. Business and Commercial buildings are not included, only residential properties. It is the new responsibility of the resident to contact Allied Waste to let them know that you are a new resident. There is also a recycling, yard waste and special pick up should the resident contact Allied Waste and request such services. There is also a senior citizens discount of 5% for monthly services. Trash cans may be placed at the curb the evening before pickup and must be removed from the curb on the evening of pickup (a dusk to dusk rotation). All trash container must be kept behind the building line until it is set out for pickup.


Trash Company: Allied Waste

(636) 947-5959




Latest News

City Receives TRIM grant 2016

Can you add information regarding the City

The City applied for a grant through Missouri Department of Conservation and has received a a TRIM Grant 2016.  

The purpose of this grant was for tree pruning to approximately 48 trees throughout the city. 

The work is expected to be finished by April 30, 2016.

For more information, please read the announcement here. 

News Article 1

News Article 1